ENT Problems

Homeopathy and Its Role in Treating Mental and Emotional Problems.

Homeopathic treatment for ent disorders

Mental health Clinic in anand

Prachi Homeo Clinic is the branch of medicine and surgery that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the ears, nose and throat (ENT), as well as head and neck disorders. People are very susceptible to a wide range of ailments that can produce symptoms affecting the ears, nose and throat separately or together.

Respiratory problems are extremely common in general practice, accounting for almost 30% of consultations. Of these about half are due to upper respiratory and throat infections. Homeopathic medicines when judiciously selected to cover the patient’s pattern of symptoms will often shorten the course of the problem or even nip it in the bud. In addition, more chronic problems affecting the ears and nose such as perennial rhinitis, nasal polyps, and some cases of tinnitus will often respond very well to homeopathic intervention.

Interconnected anatomy
The ears, nose and throat are all interconnected. The nose has several functions. Lined with sense organs it is, as we all know, the organ of smell and is capable of detecting smells produced from as little as one molecule in a million. It also warms air and filters out particles and bacteria from inspired air.

The nasal passages link up with the facial sinuses which are cavities within the bones around the eyes and within the cheek bones. A small structure called the Eustachian tube links the middle ear to the naso-pharynx which is the area of the upper throat that lies behind the nose. This has the job of equalising the pressure inside the middle ear with that outside the body and is the organ responsible for the popping sound you hear in the ears when you experience a change in altitude during a flight.

We describe the ear as having three parts: outer, middle and inner. The outer ear consists of the pinna which funnels sounds into the ear canal; while the middle ear is a closed chamber containing the three small ear bones or ossicles which transmit sound to the inner ear.

The inner ear consists of the bony labyrinth, which has two components; the cochlea, or organ of hearing, and the semi-circular canals which control balance. With the ear, nose and throat being so physiologically linked, it is easy to see how a problem with one organ can affect the others.

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